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FUGASHUA First/Second Semester Result Checker. Results for the first and second semesters at FUGASHUA are posted online for all students to view in secret. The school administration created a process to protect each student’s marks from the malicious behavior of a select few students.

Without having to stand in line at the department notice board or the exam officer’s office, you can check your first and second-semester exam results online via the school portal by following the instructions on this website.

The school administration has advised all faculties and departments not to publicly post student examination results on the faculty/department notice board because doing so has resulted in many unsuccessful students dropping out of school because of the embarrassment and ridicule they have encountered from other students.

For student access to the uploaded results at the school portal, the student’s name, password, and registration number are required. This page explains where to look for your first and second uploaded results.

Students are advised to examine their full set of results each term because many lecturers fail to provide the exam officer with their students’ results in a timely manner.

The school portal is where all student scores are published. An alphabetical collection of the Federal University Gashua, Yobe portal addresses is provided below.

How Results Are Uploaded In The School Portal

Lecturers compile all of the student results after marking their examinations and send them to the department’s HOD, who then sends them on to the exam officer, who then sends them on to the school portals.

Students can simply and stress-free check their results online with the proper portal address.

This platform helps students with failed courses to quickly access their results and prepare for the re-write of their failed course(s). This new school administrative format does not slow down student access to results.

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The Required Data For Result Checking

  • Student Registration Number
  • Student Three(3) name (start with surname)
  • The Exam year
  • The Semester

How To Check Your First/Second Semester Results Online

To check the First or Second Semester Result for Federal University Gashua (FUGASHUA) in detail, you will typically need to follow the university’s official procedures for result checking. Here’s a general guideline on how you can do this:

  1. Visit the University Website: Start by visiting the official website of Federal University Gashua at
  2. Find the Student Portal: Look for a “Student Portal” or “Result Portal” section on the website. This is where you usually access your academic information, including your semester results.
  3. Login to Your Account: You will need to log in to your student account using your credentials (usually your student ID and password). If you don’t have an account, you may need to create one.
  4. Navigate to Results: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the section where you can view your results. This section is often labeled “Results,” “Academic Records,” or something similar.
  5. Select the Semester: Choose whether you want to check your First Semester or Second Semester results, depending on your current academic session.
  6. View and Print Results: Your detailed results for the selected semester should be displayed on the screen. You can usually view and print them for your records.
  7. Log Out: Always make sure to log out of your student account when you are done to keep your information secure.

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