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UI Course Registration Guide. Accessing the UI Portal is the first step towards creating stunning websites and applications. Let’s get started!

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How to Access UIĀ  Portal

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to access the UI Portal, a powerful tool for web design and development. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer

Before you can access the UI Portal, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Internet Connection: Ensure that your device is connected to the internet to access the UI Portal online.
  2. Device: You can access the UI Portal from various devices, including your computer, laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone.
  3. Web Browser: Use a modern and up-to-date web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge for the best experience.

Accessing the UI Portal

Follow these steps to access the UI Portal:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser on your device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal Website: In the address bar, type the URL of the UI Portal website. This URL might be provided by your hosting provider or the UI Portal service you’re using. It typically looks something like
  3. Login or Sign Up: If you already have an account, click on the “Login” button and enter your credentials, including your username and password. If you’re new to UI Portal, click on the “Sign Up” or “Register” button to create a new account. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.
  4. Dashboard: Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be directed to the UI Portal dashboard. This is your control center, where you can create, edit, and manage your web projects.

Exploring the UI Portal Dashboard

The dashboard is where the magic happens. Here’s an overview of what you can typically find in the UI Portal dashboard:

  • Project Management: You can create new projects or access existing ones from the dashboard. Projects are where you’ll build your websites or applications.
  • Templates and Themes: Many UI Portals offer a selection of templates and themes that you can use as a starting point for your projects. Explore these options to jumpstart your design.
  • Design Tools: UI Portals come equipped with a wide range of design tools. You can use drag-and-drop editors, customize layouts, and add visual elements to create your desired user interface.
  • Settings: Access the settings menu to configure various aspects of your projects, including security settings, domain management, and more.
  • Support and Help: If you encounter any issues or need assistance, look for the support or help section within the dashboard. You may find FAQs, documentation, or direct access to customer support.

How to check the Dashboard in UI Portal

The dashboard in the UI Portal is your central hub for managing and controlling your web design and development projects. In this guide, we’ll show you how to access and navigate the dashboard effectively.

Accessing the UI Portal Dashboard

  1. Login: Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the UI Portal’s website. If you haven’t already signed in, you’ll typically find a “Login” or “Sign In” option on the homepage. Click on it.
  2. Enter Credentials: Provide your login credentials, including your username and password, in the designated fields. If you’re a new user, you may need to register for an account first.
  3. Login Button: After entering your credentials, click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button to access your account.

Navigating the Dashboard

Once you’ve successfully logged in, you’ll be directed to the dashboard. Here’s how to navigate it:

1. Project Overview

  • Project List: In most cases, the dashboard displays a list of your projects. Each project may have a title or thumbnail image for easy identification.
  • Create New Project: Look for a button or option to create a new project. This is usually prominently displayed. Click it to start a new web design or development project.

2. Project Management

  • Select a Project: To work on an existing project, click on its title or thumbnail in the project list. This action will take you to the project workspace.
  • Edit Project: Within the project workspace, you can edit various aspects of your project, including design, content, settings, and more.

3. Design Tools

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: UI Portals often feature a drag-and-drop editor. This tool allows you to customize your website’s layout by adding and arranging elements like text, images, buttons, and forms.
  • Templates and Themes: Explore templates and themes available in the design tools section. These pre-designed layouts can help jumpstart your project.

4. Settings and Configuration

  • Project Settings: Access the settings menu within your project to configure details such as domain settings, security settings, and SEO options.
  • User Profile: Some UI Portals have a user profile section in the dashboard. Here, you can manage your account settings and preferences.

5. Support and Help

  • FAQs and Documentation: If you need assistance or have questions, look for FAQs, documentation, or help resources. These can provide answers to common queries.
  • Customer Support: In case you encounter issues that FAQs can’t resolve, there may be options to contact customer support directly from the dashboard.

Check Here:

How to check admission status in UI Portal

Checking your admission status in the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal is a crucial step for prospective students to confirm their enrollment. The UI Portal provides an efficient way to access your admission status. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:


Before you proceed, ensure you have the following:

  1. Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to access the UI Portal.
  2. Login Credentials: You should have received or created login credentials, such as a username and password, for the UI Portal during your application process.

Steps to Check Admission Status:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal: In the address bar of your browser, type the URL of the UI Portal’s admission status checking page. This URL is usually provided on the university’s official website or in your admission application instructions. It might look something like this:
  3. Login to Your Account: On the admission status checking page, you will typically find a login form. Enter your credentials, including your username and password, into the respective fields.
  4. Access Your Dashboard: After entering your credentials, click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button to access your UI Portal dashboard.
  5. Check Admission Status: Once you are logged in, look for a section or link related to “Admission” or “Admission Status.” Click on it to proceed.
  6. Enter Required Information: In the admission status section, you may be required to provide specific information, such as your application reference number or JAMB registration number. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter the necessary details accurately.
  7. Check Status: After entering the required information, click on the “Check Status” or similar button. The system will process your request.
  8. View Admission Status: Your admission status will be displayed on the screen. It will typically indicate whether you have been offered admission, the program of study, and any other relevant information.
  9. Accept or Reject Admission: Depending on your admission status, you will usually be given the option to either “Accept” or “Reject” the offer. Follow the provided instructions for your chosen action.
  10. Print Admission Letter (if applicable): If you have been offered admission, you may have the option to print your admission letter. Ensure you follow the necessary steps to do so.
  11. Log Out: After checking your admission status and taking any required actions, it’s a good practice to log out of your UI Portal account for security reasons.

How to register for course in UI Portal

Registering for courses in the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal is an essential part of your academic journey as a student. It allows you to select the courses you plan to take during a particular semester or academic session. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register for courses in the UI Portal:


Before you begin the course registration process, ensure you have the following:

  1. Internet Connection: Make sure you have a stable internet connection to access the UI Portal.
  2. Login Credentials: You should have received or created login credentials (such as a username and password) for the UI Portal.
  3. Course Information: Have a list of the courses you intend to register for, including their course codes and titles. This information is typically available in the university’s course catalog or provided by your academic advisor.

Steps to Register for Courses:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal: In the address bar of your browser, type the URL of the UI Portal’s course registration page. The URL may be provided on the university’s official website or in your academic schedule. It might look something like this:
  3. Login to Your Account: On the course registration page, locate the login form. Enter your credentials, including your username and password, into the respective fields.
  4. Access Your Dashboard: After entering your login information, click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button to access your UI Portal dashboard.
  5. Course Registration Section: Within your dashboard, look for a section or link related to “Course Registration” or “Register for Courses.” Click on it to proceed.
  6. Select Courses: You will be directed to a course registration interface. Here, you will typically see a list of available courses for the upcoming semester or academic session. Find the courses you intend to register for.
  7. Add Courses: To register for a course, click on the course name or code, or use checkboxes if provided. You may need to select the courses one by one.
  8. Review and Confirm: After selecting your courses, review your selections to ensure they are correct. Make any necessary adjustments.
  9. Submit Registration: Once you are satisfied with your course selections, click on the “Submit” or “Register” button to complete the registration process.
  10. Confirmation: After submitting your course registration, you should receive a confirmation message or notification indicating that your registration has been successful.
  11. Print Course Registration Slip (if applicable): Some universities may allow you to print a course registration slip for your records. If this option is available, make sure to do so.
  12. Log Out: It’s a good practice to log out of your UI Portal account after completing the course registration to protect your information.

How to check result in UI Portal

Checking your academic results in the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal is an important part of your student journey. It allows you to access your grades and performance in various courses. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your results in the UI Portal:


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Internet Connection: Make sure you have a stable internet connection to access the UI Portal.
  2. Login Credentials: You should have received or created login credentials (such as a username and password) for the UI Portal.
  3. Course Information: Know the relevant details, such as the semester or session for which you want to check results.

Steps to Check Results:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal: In the address bar of your browser, type the URL of the UI Portal’s result checking page. The URL may be provided on the university’s official website or in your academic schedule. It might look something like this:
  3. Login to Your Account: On the result checking page, locate the login form. Enter your credentials, including your username and password, into the respective fields.
  4. Access Your Dashboard: After entering your login information, click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button to access your UI Portal dashboard.
  5. Result Section: Within your dashboard, look for a section or link related to “Check Results” or “Academic Records.” Click on it to proceed.
  6. Select Semester/Session: Depending on the UI Portal’s interface, you may need to select the specific semester or academic session for which you want to check results. Choose the relevant option.
  7. View Results: Once you’ve selected the semester or session, your academic results for the chosen period should be displayed on the screen. You will typically see a list of courses along with their corresponding grades.
  8. Print or Download Results (if applicable): Some universities may provide the option to print or download your results for your records. If this option is available, make sure to use it.
  9. Log Out: To ensure the security of your information, it’s advisable to log out of your UI Portal account after checking your results.

How to pay fees in UI Portal

Paying fees through the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal is an essential process for students to settle tuition, registration, and other university-related fees. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pay fees through the UI Portal:


Before you proceed, ensure you have the following:

  1. Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to access the UI Portal.
  2. Login Credentials: You should have received or created login credentials (such as a username and password) for the UI Portal.
  3. Billing Statement: Have your billing statement or fee invoice ready, which specifies the amount and type of fees you need to pay.
  4. Payment Method: Be prepared with the payment method you intend to use, whether it’s a bank card, mobile banking app, or other forms of payment.

Steps to Pay Fees:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal: In the address bar of your browser, type the URL of the UI Portal. The URL may be provided on the university’s official website or in your admission materials. It might look something like this:
  3. Login to Your Account: On the UI Portal’s homepage, locate the login form. Enter your credentials, including your username and password, into the respective fields.
  4. Access Your Dashboard: After entering your login information, click on the “Login” or “Sign In” button to access your UI Portal dashboard.
  5. Billing and Payments Section: Within your dashboard, look for a section or link related to “Billing,” “Payments,” or “Fees.” Click on it to proceed.
  6. Select the Type of Fee: Depending on the UI Portal’s interface, you may need to select the type of fee you want to pay. This could include tuition fees, registration fees, accommodation fees, or other university-related charges.
  7. Enter Payment Details: Follow the on-screen instructions to enter the payment details. This typically includes the amount to be paid, your billing information, and the payment method you intend to use.
  8. Choose Payment Method: Select your preferred payment method. This may include options like credit/debit cards, bank transfers, mobile banking apps, or any other available payment methods.
  9. Review Payment Details: Before proceeding with the payment, carefully review the payment details to ensure accuracy. Verify the amount, recipient information, and any additional instructions.
  10. Make Payment: Once you are satisfied with the payment details, click on the “Make Payment” or “Proceed to Payment” button. You will be redirected to the payment gateway or a secure payment page.
  11. Payment Confirmation: After making the payment, you should receive a payment confirmation message or receipt. This confirms that your payment has been successfully processed.
  12. Print or Save Receipt (if applicable): Some universities may provide the option to print or save a payment receipt for your records. If this option is available, make sure to use it.
  13. Log Out: To ensure the security of your payment information, log out of your UI Portal account after completing the payment.

How to register for online exams in UI Portal

To register for online exams at UI or any other university, it’s essential to follow the specific guidelines and instructions provided by the university’s academic affairs department or examination office. Here’s a general outline of steps you might need to take if online exam registration is available:

  1. Access the UI Portal: Log in to your UI Portal account using your credentials (username and password). Ensure you have an active internet connection.
  2. Dashboard: Once logged in, navigate to the student dashboard or the section related to examination services. This section may vary depending on the university’s online system.
  3. Exam Registration: Look for an option like “Exam Registration” or “Online Exam Registration” within the dashboard. Click on it to proceed.
  4. Select Courses: You may be required to select the courses for which you wish to register for online exams. Ensure you choose the correct courses and exam sessions.
  5. Review and Confirm: Carefully review your exam registration details, including the course codes, exam dates, and fees (if applicable). Confirm that all information is accurate.
  6. Make Payment (if applicable): If there are any fees associated with online exam registration, you might be prompted to make a payment using the provided payment gateway. Follow the payment instructions.
  7. Submit Registration: After reviewing and making any necessary payments, submit your online exam registration. You should receive a confirmation message or email confirming your registration.
  8. Print or Save Confirmation: If a confirmation document or receipt is provided, make sure to print or save it for your records.
  9. Exam Schedule: Keep track of your exam schedule and be prepared to log in to the designated online exam platform at the specified date and time.
  10. Prepare for Exams: Before the exam, ensure you have a reliable internet connection, necessary equipment (computer, webcam, microphone), and any required software or exam materials.

How to Access Library in UI Portal

Here are general steps on how to access the library resources in the UI Portal:

  1. Login to the UI Portal: Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the UI Portal. You will need to log in using your UI Portal login credentials, including your username and password.
  2. Dashboard or Menu: After logging in, you will typically arrive at your student dashboard or a menu of available services.
  3. Library or Academic Resources Section: Look for a section or link related to “Library,” “Academic Resources,” or similar terms within your dashboard or menu. This is where you can access library resources.
  4. Library Catalog: In many cases, clicking on the library or academic resources link will take you to the library’s catalog or search interface. Here, you can search for books, journals, articles, and other materials available in the library’s collection.
  5. Search for Resources: Use the search bar or search options provided in the library catalog to look for specific books, articles, or topics of interest. You can usually search by title, author, keyword, or subject.
  6. Access E-Resources: If the library offers electronic resources, such as e-books, e-journals, or databases, you may be able to access them directly through the catalog. Click on the relevant links to access these resources.
  7. Library Account: Some UI Portals allow you to access your library account through the same portal. In your library account, you can check due dates for borrowed materials, renew items, and manage your library transactions.
  8. Request and Reserve Materials: If you find a book or resource you want to borrow or reserve, follow the instructions provided in the catalog to request it. You may need to provide your student ID or library card details.
  9. Access Library Guides: Universities often provide library guides and tutorials to help students navigate library resources effectively. Check for any available guides or tutorials to make the most of the library’s offerings.
  10. Contact Library Support: If you have any questions, encounter issues, or need assistance with accessing library resources through the UI Portal, don’t hesitate to contact the university’s library support team. They can provide guidance and assistance.

How to check admission status in UI Portal

To check your admission status in the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal, follow these general steps. Keep in mind that the specific steps and options may vary depending on the university’s online portal and admission process. Make sure you have your login credentials ready before starting the process:

  1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the UI Portal: In the address bar of your browser, type the URL of the UI Portal’s admission status checking page. The URL may be provided on the university’s official website or in your admission instructions. It might look something like this: or a similar URL.
  3. Access the Admission Status Page: Once you’ve entered the URL, you should arrive at the admission status checking page. This page may have a login form or instructions on how to check your admission status.
  4. Login to Your Account: If there is a login form on the admission status page, enter your login credentials, including your username and password. These are the same credentials you used to access the UI Portal during the application process.
  5. Check Admission Status: After logging in, look for a section or link related to “Admission” or “Admission Status.” Click on it to proceed.
  6. Provide Required Information: In the admission status section, you may be required to provide specific information, such as your application reference number, JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) registration number, or other identifying details. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter the necessary information accurately.
  7. Check Status: After entering the required information, click on the “Check Status” or similar button. The system will process your request.
  8. View Admission Status: Your admission status will be displayed on the screen. It will typically indicate whether you have been offered admission, the program of study, and any other relevant information.
  9. Accept or Reject Admission (if applicable): Depending on your admission status, you may have the option to either “Accept” or “Reject” the offer. Follow the provided instructions for your chosen action.
  10. Print Admission Letter (if applicable): If you have been offered admission, you may have the option to print your admission letter. Ensure you follow the necessary steps to do so.
  11. Log Out: After checking your admission status and taking any required actions, it’s a good practice to log out of your UI Portal account for security reasons.

If you encounter any difficulties during the admission status checking process or have questions about your admission status, consider contacting the university’s admission department or support services for assistance. They can provide guidance and address any issues you may face.


In conclusion, accessing and utilizing the UI (University of Ibadan) Portal is essential for various aspects of your academic journey, including checking admission status, accessing library resources, paying fees, and more. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific procedures and guidelines provided by the university, as these processes may evolve over time.


1. How can I recover my forgotten UI Portal login credentials?

  • If you forget your username or password, you can typically use the “Forgot Password” or “Password Reset” option on the login page. Follow the instructions provided to recover your credentials.

2. Can I access the UI Portal on a mobile device or tablet?

  • Yes, you can access the UI Portal on most mobile devices and tablets using a web browser. Ensure you have a stable internet connection for a seamless experience.

3. What should I do if I encounter technical issues while using the UI Portal?

  • If you experience technical difficulties, such as errors or login issues, contact the university’s IT support or helpdesk for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

4. How do I update my contact information on the UI Portal?

  • To update your contact information, such as your email address or phone number, log in to your UI Portal account and navigate to the profile or account settings section. There, you should find options to update your details.

5. What is the official website for the University of Ibadan (UI) and where can I find the latest information and announcements?


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